The Referral process

Free funded sessions are available to those over 18 living in the Uttoxeter area and unable to cover the costs of therapy (whilst funding remains)

(Funded by the Peoples Postcode Lottery – Postcode Local Trust)

To check your eligibility please email or mention this on your referral form. 

our YESS referral process is simple.

All referrals that are received by YESS are reviewed by our Clinical Manager to ensure that they are appropriate and that our service is suitable for the client’s needs and we may signpost on to other providers if necessary.

You can make a referral by calling our office on 01889 567 756 or by downloading and completing a copy of our referral form, which can be found below.

Once completed, you can email the form back to us at

One to One Therapy Support Price List 2023/2024

Face to Face and Online Support – £60 per session

For Mature Students, Higher Education / University / Single Parent Families  – £30 per session

For those in receipt of Universal Credit / Job Seekers Allowance / Income Support / Employment and Support Allowance / Guarantee Credit Element of Pension Credit – £15 per session

Please note:

Proof of documentation is required at time of booking (at least no later than 3 months old)

Pre-payment is requested before your session takes place

(If you are in a low-income household (household income of under £30k per year) but are not in receipt of any of the benefits shown above please contact YESS in confidence to discuss payment options)

“Providing a safe space, where you can safely explore your diverse mental health & Wellbeing needs"

Your Emotional Support Service – Mission Statement