
What is Anxiety

A natural human response when we feel that we are under threat.

A feeling of apprehension, fear or worry, and a sense of impending doom

1 in 4 people experience anxiety regularly, and it is the most common mental health issue

What does it feel like?

  • Anxiety is adaptive – its a system our bodies have evolved in order to help us deal with danger
  • When our bodies feel anxiety, it triggers our fight-flight freeze response – this how our bodies prepare  to defend itself when it thinks it’s in danger.
  • Often with anxiety, we aren’t in any real danger but our brain and body acts as if we are 

Why do we feel anxious?

Anxiety can vary from person-to-person, but here are some common ways it can make people feel…

  • being unable to sleep
  • having Butterflies in stomach
  • feeling dizzy/shaky
  • unable to focus
  • Having a fast heartbeat
  • sweating, hot flushes
  • feeling ‘on edge’
  • loss of appetite
  • restlessness/fidgeting
  • feeling irritable

Things you do when you have anxiety



You get angry, irritable, snappy, start to shout and lose your temper



You want to run away from or avoid situations and make excuses not to go



Your mind goes blank, feel like you cant move or talk and feel stuck

Tips on how to manage anxiety

Anxiety can vary from person-to-person, but here are some common ways it can make people feel…

  • Brain dump – write down what you’re anxious
  • worry time – schedule a specific time of day to think about your worries
  • identify what triggers your your anxiety as everyone is different
  • practice mindfulness and grounding techniques and grounding techniques
  • work on challenging your negative thoughts
  • in regard to your worries, think about what’s within in your control and what you cannot control 

Apps to help anxiety



Tappy Haptic Fidgeter